Home Behind the scenes Follow Green Envy on the journey to Australia in real-time!

Follow Green Envy on the journey to Australia in real-time!

by Eva Hakansson

Posted 26 February, 2020.

Green Envy is now onboard the container ship Kota Ekspres, bound for Adelaide, Australia. In the container is also a home-built satellite-based GPS tracker. The tracker reports its location several times a day, and the locations are automatically plotted on a map thanks to one of our outstanding volunteers. The voyage takes about 2 weeks.

Follow this link to see its current location: http://map.greenenvyracing.com

Also, it is not too late to get your name on the Green Envy; I will make the artwork and apply it when we get to Australia. Check out your options and cool perks here: www.GreenEnvyRacing.store 💚💚💚
Green Envy: 1000 HP. 100 % electric. 100 % enviable.
Built for 400 mph / 650 kph. Soon to be raced at the Lake Gairdner Salt Flats, Australia.

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