Racing may be cancelled, but Easter and Easter candy certainly isn’t! The Easter Bunny is deemed “an essential worker” here in New Zealand, and he will need some stylish eggs!
You can either download my finished KillaJoule and Green Envy “eggs”, or you can learn how to CAD a traditional split Easter Egg in Fusion 360. They are all really easy to 3D print. Or you can do all of it! The CAD skills you learn will be great when you need to design parts for your race vehicle. 😉
Download the files for the Green Envy or KillaJoule “eggs” at (you will also find recipes for no-bake treats and gingerbread cookies, although the latter is a bit out of season.)
If you want to make your own egg and brush up on your CAD skills, take my free Fusion 360 course and design your own egg at The course is suitable for the absolute beginner as well.